You will find here the answers to your questions about how Kiteops works and what you can do with it. If you don't find what you search for, contact us.

Start using Kiteops

...in 1:50 minutes.

To quickly get you started we created a screencast of the app. You get a tour of the app and then a simple example of how to use it. You can see the video below:

Kiteops account

Where can I see my profile information?

You can find your profile information in the Account page from the App. There you can add, modify or delete information, reset your password and add you Digital Ocean API username and password. You can also stay updated with system notifications for updates, maintenance of our platform.

How do I link my Digital Ocean account with Kiteops?

To link your Digital Ocean account with Kiteops go to your Account page in the App and add your API username and password. These are provided in your Digital Ocean account.

How can I logout from the Kiteops App?

To avoid any accidental logout from the app, you can logout from your Account Page.

Payment & Invoices

How do I pay for my servers?

Monthly (first invoice will be sent after the first month with us) we will send an invoice according to the pricing plan you chose at sign up.

Payment is due in 30 days after the invoice has been sent. If you don`t make the payment within this period of time your account can be terminated.

You can always check your billing status and history in the Billing section of the Kiteops interface.

How do I add/change my billing information

Keep your billing information updated. We can't make changes to your invoice, for example, if the wrong address is listed for the invoice.

Can I have a backup payment option and/or a default one?


What are bundles?

Bundles are a collection of server configuration scripts, cloud servers, applications and deployments, think of them as your production environment or your testing environment.


What are blueprints?

Blueprint are server configuration scripts written in Chef. We provide you with some default ones but you have full control on what gets executed on your servers and of course you can add your own server configurations.


What are servers?

Servers are cloud hosted virtual machines that we start and configure for you in your Digital Ocean account. Your pay for these servers in Digital Ocean interface, so keep an eye on how many you really need.


What are applications?

Applications are your products that run on a web server. (Like your cool e-commerce website, or your photo-blog).


What are deployments?

Deployments are application updates. Think of this as a simple way to update your application code on multiple web servers directly from a nice web interface.

Usage Examples:

What will I use Kiteops for?

We'll give you some examples of how you can benefit from using Kiteops:

Case 1:

Small Web Startup needs:

How can Kiteops help:

Case 2:

Medium / Large Web Startup needs:

How can Kiteops help: